AmigaActive (790/1525)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:14 Sep 2000 at 20:24:08
Subject:Re: I want to create a web page

Hello Don,

On 14-Sep-00, you wrote:

>> My site, until recently, fitted onto a HD floppy disk! Your ISP

> An average download speed might be 2k per second. So 1400k on a
> floppy would give you a site taking a total of 700 seconds to
> download, which is plenty. (If my mental arithmetic is right).

Ah, well, if you want to download *all* the pages, be my guest... :)

> The experts recommend that your index page shouldn't take longer
> than 8 secs to download, including any pictures. So the total size
> of all files on the index page should be around 16k or less. That
> implies that it will be mainly links to more meaty pages.

Sounds pretty reasonable. I think my index page is bigger than that,
but then it has my mugshot on it ;-)

> If the index page takes too long to appear, most people will go
> elsewhere, especially if they are only looking at your site out of
> mild interest. Once they get deeper into the site, people will wait
> longer.

Lots of pics on my site, I'm not sure if I've over done it or not, but
it is mainly a graphics based site.


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

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