AmigaActive (85/1525)

From:Simon Preston
Date:2 Sep 2000 at 18:57:37
Subject:Re: PCI BUS BOARD Predator from eyetech

So Gareth Knight, you vish to know about Re: [amigactive] Re: PCI BUS BOARD Predator from eyetech? Vell, I will tell you...
On 01-Sep-00, you wrote:

>> What happened to the A1800? I'm sure I read somewhere that Commodore (or
> was
>> it one of the later owners) were going to release the A1800, which was
>> basically an A1200 with a CD-ROM drive built in.

> That was an Amiga Format concept design. As usual I have a page about it
> on my site. :)

You have to admit - that pic doesn't look realy enough to be believed! ;^)


Simon Preston - (updated 02 Sep 2000)
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