AmigaActive (88/1525)

From:Nick Lamburn
Date:2 Sep 2000 at 20:29:27
Subject:Re: Sorry but this has got to me....

Hi Matt

> This isn't some ploy to get you to to part with cash and line their
> pockets, it's what you get for living at the arse end of Big-Box Amigadom.
> Move to the US, your A4000 will LOVE you for it.

Umm, i'm not sure an A4000 would love it actually because, well it has all
the up to date chips, except buster in some cases (ramsey 7, DMac 4 etc. are
the latest and last mods), and even the latest ones are not socketed. I
think you'd find an A3000 would love you for it since they tend to have
DMac 2, Ramsey 4s, Buster 6s and 7s, WD-SCSI Rev. 4 chips..... ;)


Nick Lamburn - Dept. Manager of Trogladite Software

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