AmigaActive (901/1525)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:18 Sep 2000 at 22:10:56
Subject:Re: Icons in fastram


> Judging from the number of people having this problem including myself.
> would it be possible for one of the more knowlagable users to write up a
> definitive step by step procedure for complete idiots like me.
> On 18-Sep-00, you gnash-ed on about Re: [amigactive] Icons in fastram:

Matt has contributed several times on how to setup these ChipRAM saving
tools. basically, get wbctlr, read the docs, install, thats all I can
recall. after all, I'm just a user, and my Amiga only runs AmigaOS 50% of
the time...especially now that I run RealPlayer7 on my amiga under


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