AmigaActive (913/1525)

From:Eds Borthwick
Date:19 Sep 2000 at 01:11:18
Subject:Re: Freeserve

Hello roger

On 18-Sep-00, you were babbling about:

>>> Did you do this from an Amiga?
>>> I've never managed to get onto a secure server with an Amiga browser.
>> (butting in)
>> Using registered AWeb, registered Miami, and the MiamiSSL files
>> installed, I rarely have problems on secure sites...
> Same here using registered IB2, Miami & MiamiSSL

I often get the feeling when these conversations arise, that people are
complaining about the disfuncionality of "demo versions".

Well guys, there's no such thing as a free lunch ;)



AMIGA 1200 - APOLLO 68040/40Mhz 32 Meg Fast Ram

High Speed Serial Port - V90 Modem - 48xCDRom

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