AmigaActive (948/1525)

From:Bill Eaves
Date:19 Sep 2000 at 11:50:38
Subject:Re: Email Question (Re: SEAL-O-RAMA)

Hello Richard

> I've got 2 years worth of the DOpus5 mailing list archived away on CD, a
> total of about 8500 emails.

Ah, but you don't have them all in YAM folders still, that's different !

I meant why would anyone still have 4600 live mails still in YAM, I should
have been a bit more clear ;)

>> Do you ever go back and read them all for posterity ;)
> One day I'll use them to make a DOpus5 FAQ, one day. :)

> Being on 30 or so mailing lists, some Amiga related some not,

About the same here. I tend to delete most after reading though and every so
often have a clear out of older mails. I think only my Sent folder is set
to auto delete after a month so others I do manually just in case there are
things I want ot keep



Quote carefully and read all ADMIN:README mails