AmigaActive (966/1525)

From:Clyde Hannan
Date:19 Sep 2000 at 22:43:02
Subject:Re: Email Question (Re: SEAL-O-RAMA)

Bill Eaves wrote:

> > I never delete an
> > email, you never know when you might want to refer to it again :)
> Guess what I just did to yours matey !
> Nothing personal BTW :o)
> But I don't keep many mails after I have read them, unless they are of
> direct relevance or great interest to me.

I do recommend keeping emails that are business related or have to do
with ordering things or anything about money etc.

A year or so ago, I ordered a load of computer equipment from a company
on the other side of the country, and all the correspondence was done
via email - all the queries, quotes, invoice etc - including a question
I asked about the shipping details.

More than six months later, I got a phone call from some company I had
never ever heard of demanding payment. I asked them who they were and
why do I owe them money etc. to learn that this was the company
responsible for shipping the computer equipment. They were on the verge
of getting their lawyers to start flinging cowpats in my direction.
Until I mentioned that I had nothing to do with it and explained it all
in detail. They were still wanting to cause trouble - until I said that
I just happened to have all the emails on record and would gladly fax
all of the records to them.

I never did hear from their lawyers ;-)

So, if you have any records of ANYTHING that might crop up many months
later that might be required to prevent things like, nasty letters from
credit companies and lawyers with baseball bats - keep them. You never
know when they might save you.

Darrell Hannan

Quote carefully and read all ADMIN:README mails