AmigaActive (99/1525)

From:Nick Lamburn
Date:3 Sep 2000 at 11:31:20
Subject:Re: Sorry but this has got to me....

Hi Matt

>>>> Why is it that a UK based Amiga owner should pay £50 for *one* old chip
>>>> from
>>> Because it's a SUPER RARE CHIP. The lack of big box uptake in the UK
>>> means that there aren't that many around, not a great deal were ever
>>> shipped here. In the Us, they're practically 10-a-penny.
>> Busters aren't actually *that* rare,
> They are in the UK. There isn't a demand for them. That's why they're
> expensive. Do you see?

I see that.

>>>> (the even have DMac 4!!!) for what is only another 5-6 quid over the
>>>> cost of a Buster 11 in the UK.
>>> So buy them from the US, dolt!
>> Excuse me, i do not take kidnly to be called a dolt - and did i ever
>> state anywhere in my mail that i WASN'T going to buy from the US or
>> Germany etc.? Please retract that comment, it was uncalled for.
> Retract it yourself. I can't be bothered ;)

That isn't an apology.

> All I'm saying is that complaining won't bring the price down. Economics
> don't give way to irate consumers - at least not JUST ONE irate consumer
> anyway.

I'm just staing that on the face of things it was hard to swallow the £30
price difference.

>>> That's becvause you're a paranoid lefty student with a chip on your
>>> shoulder.
>> There we go again, add an insult to where none is needed, I may have a
>> chip on my shoulder over something else I do not want to mention, and
>> it's not over some poxy chip!!
> So you DO have a chip on your shoulder!

And I'm not telling you of it either.

> Secondly why are all students assumed to be of a left
>> wing political association?
> Because they're all into all this tree-hugging hippy crap, tend to favour
> the abolition of any authority or control over their lives, drink far too
> much and work far too little?

You'll regret saying that. I'm not some eco warrior at all, though i do
have some conscience for the environment because i'm not a selfish git
thinking "oh well it won't harm me, sod the others though".

And work too little. Let's see now, Mr. Sealey I would like to tell you
that this week alone I have had to be up at 4:30am-5am for work at
Somerfield working as a butcher, and on the produce department and have done
a total of 47 and half hours work for, what, £2.60 an hr. - and do'nt tell
ME it's not hard work until you've actually worked at this store itself.

And drink too much, yes, but what's that go to do with a flaming Buster chip
- at least drinking is something i'm willing to spend out on, and nor would
i spend £50 on one night.

>> And i'm not paranoid
> Of course you are. Why else would you be so bothered that one company is
> overcharging you when you know you can get it cheaper elsewhere? Like, we
> need to know that you're unhappy with this fact even though you're already
> buying elsewhere making your argument pointless? Hell, if you really were
> spending £50 on this chip by buying it frm the UK, I'd be bothered, but
> you're cleverer than that and I know it.
> Plus you seem to think I'm on an Anti-Lamburn slant by slagging you off.
> Not true, it's just light-hearted poking you in the ribs. No 'fence
> 'tended.

Then umm, why bleddy say it or for that matter add a smiley, that way i know
how to interpret it, you do realise that words by themselves in an E-Mail
are useless at conveying a facial expression? Unless you're stupid and
write "NB: I'm smiling here".... ;)

>> comments, but then you'll snip this out as if it never was written. In my
>> mind there's only on dolt here.... ;)
> So agressive, Lammers. You ought to lighten up a bit.

Okee Doke Seeley - but after a hard week i'm hardly in the best of moods, so
don't friggin push it in - some person's words....

>>> You could also try German dealers. Although they may not be as cheap as
>>> the US dealers, they'll not sting you with cross-Atlantic postage :)
>> I'm checking Versalia tonight, thankyou.
>>> Besides, try this: mail Amiga in Germany and see if they'll sell you
>>> spares. They should be orders of magnitude cheaper. They'll ship them to
>>> you and you just transfer the cash into their bank account. I'm sure
>>> Tudor will explain how it works, he's done this a load of times IIRC.
>> Likewise, checking tonight.
> See, ignore my light-hearted ribbing and take the information you need and
> the world will be a happier place :)

Again - why bother piss taking, light hearted or not, no one else here sees
fit to do so, except you. Which is to be expected anyway. Control yourself
man, your old enough, not a silly seven year old shouting insults to someone
he's fallen out with....


Nick Lamburn - Dept. Manager of Trogladite Software

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