AmigaOS3.5 (111/193)

From:Kennedy, Bob
Date:16 Aug 2000 at 17:00:57
Subject:RE: A4000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rich Woods []
> Hello
> I recently bought a A4000 on ebay. I'm wondering if anyone
> has a duplicate
> set of manuals for this?
> Also there appears to be 5 sockets for SIMMS (or whatever) on the
> motherboard - I have 3 filled - not sure what is in there
> (have a 060 with
> RAM on it so I can't figure out what is on the MB - plus I am having
> problems with large capacity HD on the system.).

>From the inside socket to the outside, first is Chip Ram. This takes a 2MB
simm, but on various lists others have reported using 4MB and larger simm's
successfully. (This seems to be fairly common. I have two Intergraph 4MB 30
pin simms happily pretending to be 1MB's in an A500 expansion box.)

The other four are 4MB Fast Ram sockets. Some accelerators recommend
removing the motherboard memory for faster & less crash prone performance. I
have a WarpEngine in an A4000 at work & use both kinds successfully, (80
some MB's)


Bob Kennedy