AmigaOS3.5 (12/193)

From:Neil Morford
Date:4 Aug 2000 at 04:58:36
Subject:Problems with Power Computing/Elbox 4x IDE splitter

I have a rev 2B A1200 with an Elbox 4-way IDE splitter using EIDE'99. It has
my 2.5" HD on port 1 and an external 48x CD-ROM as master on port 2.

My problem is that my system locks out regularly when I try to mount the CD.
I've tried different CDFS's: Allegro (came with the splitter) and CacheCDFS
as supplied with OS3.5

The first part of the problem comes when I try to run the 4xEIDE.driver from
either startup-sequence or WBStartup - it locks out the system, preventing
any HD access, and a warm reboot stops because the HD is no longer
recognised, even thoough I can hear it spinning. I have to do a cold reboot
to fix it. I think this is a problem with the motherboard (dodgy revision, I
think I remember reading somewhere) since I used to get it pre-3.5 and

Secondly, I find that the CD-ROM often freezes out when accessing. 90% of my
reboots when using the CD are caused by this: the drive light stays lit, but
won't read. The system locks up as well (DOpus 5.82 or Workbench) and
accepts no input at all, although the clocks on my backdrop and the mouse
pointer keeps updating.

I'd really like to know if anyone else has had similar problems, if they can
be solved, and what, if anything, is wrong with the Rev.2B motherboard.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Neil Morford.

Born to Plagiarise