AmigaOS3.5 (139/193)

From:Don Cox
Date:7 Sep 2000 at 00:09:04
Subject:Re: Workbench disks for an A600

On 06-Sep-00, Michael Kane wrote:

> I now want to install a 2.5" harddrive and some extra ram, however,
> the machine came without the workbench disks.
> Would anyone have a copy of the workbench 2.04 disks for this
> machine. Anyone with an A500+ should have the appropriate disks. I
> don't know if it would be illegal to copy them but really need these
> disks to get the most from this little machine.

There is one snag. Your A600 may need a ROM upgrade before you can
install a hard drive. IIRC it has to be 2.05 or later.

Analogic would probably advise.


Don Cox