AmigaOS3.5 (144/193)

Date:12 Sep 2000 at 14:23:49
Subject:Re: Colorweel.gadget

Colin Wenzel said to amigaOS3_5:

>No, but I do play a lot, maybe some other package installed it ?
>then I may have deleted it, but in my setup,
>only an old version of colorwheel.gadget was in there,
>nothing else.....

Originally, ClassAct (now ReAction) stored its gadgets in
LIBS:gadgets, I don't recall whether the changeover to using
CLASSES:gadgets happened with OS 3.5, or if it took place a few
revisions before that.

As for other packages that use or used to use BGUI, did you ever have
one of the last John Veldthuis versions of Virus Checker installed?
It used BGUI then (as do current versions), however the gadget
filenames didn't start with "bgui_" as they do now.

David Oakes | /// Member: |
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Canada | \XX/ AMIGA | ICQ #14502477

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