AmigaOS3.5 (157/193)

Date:13 Sep 2000 at 11:15:25
Subject:gradientfill.gadget (was: Colorweel.gadget)

Hello all.

Thanks everyone for the different tips on the colorwheel.
The winner though, is: Colin Wenzel.
I had an additional one lurking in LIBS:Gadgets that was v40.x.

But now I got a new one that's really strange.
AWeb prefs refuses to start because it cannot open
gradientfill.gadget v44. Also this time there was an old one hiding
in LIBS:Gadgets so I removed that one as well, but that didn't help.

Checking the one in Sys:Classes/Gadgets with Version gives v40.x
(exactly the same as the old one) but when reding the file with a
hex-editor it says v44.x.
RAWBInfo also reports v44.x.
I've checked the file on the OS3.5 CD as well, same thing.

Always smile. It makes people wonder what you're up to.