AmigaOS3.5 (167/193)

From:Mark Edward Reed
Date:20 Sep 2000 at 21:44:36
Subject:Re: Floppy Nightmare

Hello Voytek

I have had a similar problem when I have had a crash during a write on the
Hard Drive. I just want the drive to settle down so I can back up what I can
so I can reformat that partition and copy stuff back over. I would have saved
a bunch of time If I could tell it to quit what it's doing so I could do
the recovery work. Validating usually works, but when I start getting
the requesters, I'm pretty much screwed. If I get the requestors, I usually
have to disable the partition in the early startup, and then run HD tools
to break up that partition, reformat the whole mess, then recreate that
partition again. it seems to do the trick, but If I could just tell it to
quit so I don't have to do all of that stuff, it'd make life much easier.

I have seen this happen under 3.1 as well. I've had really bad power in
some places I've been hooked up to. I was running 3.1 most of the time this
happened, but it's happened at least once under 3.5. I'm now on a better
outlet, but my place doesn't have a three-pronged outlet to be found
anywhere and I'm scared to look at the wiring. We rent the place so I
cannot just go tearing into the walls.

On 19-Sep-00, you wrote:

> Hello Colin
> On 18-Sep-00, Colin Wenzel wrote:
>> that has been around forever, it is about time it was fixed
>> or at least repaired to some further degree...
>> When copying a floppy with a wonky cylinder or several,
>> the requester:
>> "Volume: blah has a read write error on block #####"
>> "Retry" - "Cancel"
>> If you retry, it just keeps coming back, forever.
>> If you "Cancel" it aborts trying that cylinder & tries the next one..
>> That usually fails too, it just keeps coming up forever & ever & ever.
>> The floppy passes a format ok, but fails at some point & "Cancel"
>> appears to be ineffective as EVERY cylinder to the end of the disk
>> is apparently "faulty" too....
>> How is this possible if it passed the "long" format ??
> Maybe it's a hardware problem? I have something similar happening:
> sometimes I can read a floppy disk ok and later on the same disk gives me
> problems. I think that my floppy drive is near the end of its life (where
> is the BoXeR?).

Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl dhobbz f'htagn

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