AmigaOS3.5 (176/193)

From:Steve & Ulli Bowman
Date:26 Sep 2000 at 05:10:07
Subject:Re: Reaction classes

G'day Shinda,

On 26-Sep-00, on the subject of "[amigaOS3_5] Re: Reaction classes", you
spoke thus:

>> the new ReAction Classes are buggy. some problems was solved in
>> BoingBag1, but not all... someone know if Chris Aldi continue to
>> suport ClassAct????
> I read on the Amiga OS 3.5 mailing list that Chris Aldi has left the
> Amiga market, development is carried out by some one else. What I
> would like is the development to move the way it was before(ClassAct
> days) since then at least if you report a bug or feature they would
> acknowledge it and try to fix it and release it. With H&P taking over
> Amiga development I feel all the bug reports are falling on deaf ears.

Chris recently wrote in the Voodoo ML that his Amiga is not working ATM
and he cannot get it going. I've attached 2 posts he made there - which
may (or may not) clear things.

Steve Bowman - Sydney, Australia

No tagline available. Wakko ate them all!


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From: Christopher <>
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 03:57:06 -0500
Subject: Re: you are not alone!
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Hi Steve & Ulli Bowman, you wrote on 8/17/00 9:50:19 PM:
>This is strange, since the mailer included with OS3.5 is a stripped down

This is not true, the OS3.5 emailer is based on aml.library which I wrote
with some help from the Eucalyptus author. No Eucalypus or Voodoo source
was used, and could not be for license and source ownership reasons.
Haage & Partner is now supporting the 3.5 mailer. Finale is not working
on any updates at this time to my knowledge to anything, my Amiga stopped
working shortly after the 3.5 release and $$$ later its still not usably
fixed. I am not in a position to go buy another one, and the reality of
having to work outside the Amiga marketplace to survive doesn't grant
me the time to really do justice to anything. H&P will be updating
ReAction too, as soon as I can recover the sources off the broke machine.

At some point I am considering releasing NewYork sources to another
programmer that would like to continue working on it, so will the
real slim shady please stand up and let me know if you'd like to
give that a try. Osma still owns Voodoo sources. If there is to be
a new Voodoo, it will be based on the new 3.5 emailer sources when
I can get my Amiga fixed or afford to buy another one... which
I would greatly prefer to the PC I am stuck with now. In many ways
the 3.5 emailer is better, or I should say has potential to be
better. The important part is in the shared library, its just a matter
of what features you support and use, and the user interface you
build around it.

Chris "Yes I am still alive" Aldi



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Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 01:56:42 -0500
Subject: Re: you are not alone!
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Hi John Kelly, you wrote on 8/20/00 8:59:55 AM:
>John Kelly says "I was brought into Finale by Chris; it was really all his
>work, basically. Now that he has moved on to bigger and better things,
>is nothing *doing* since he was the primary designer and programmer"

And I was brought into it by Alain Penders and he moved on before we really
even got started which left me with not only with what I had already, but
suddenly adopted updating/fixing Voodoo too. I felt like a department store
with one worker for all departments. LOL You can only run around like that
so long and keep everyone happy - and unfortunently, the Amiga market as it
was and is, doesn't really pay any bills and yet, you still need to invest
an incredible amount of time when you have not one, but 3 or 4 full scale
applications and the supporting development docs, tools or test programs.

I'd like to continue working on the apps, but I am affraid I am just a
bit to burnt out right now and have lost some motovation. I think that
will change when my Amiga is fixed and I actually enjoy sitting at the
keyboard. If I had to use this infernal laptop PC forever, I think I'd
have to get a job washing dishes to cheer myself up. :)



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