AmigaOS3.5 (40/193)

From:Martin Steigerwald
Date:12 Aug 2000 at 00:18:23
Subject:Re: SFS

Duane A. Miller <> wrote on Fri, 11 Aug 2000 09:44:30 -0700 about
"[amigaOS3_5] SFS" in <>:

> Hi,
> I downloaded the SFS file from Aminet, and am thinking about using it. I
> talked to someone who thought it was good, but didn't use it. I would like
> to talk to someone who is using it, with pro's and con's for OS3.5. Thanks


SFS 1.84 is simply excellent. And it works together with AmigaOS 3.5

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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