AmigaOS3.5 (97/193)

From:Roger H�gensen
Date:15 Aug 2000 at 21:43:13
Subject:Re: Changing from FFS to SFS or PFS (or from SFS/PFS to FFS etc.)

On 15-Aug-00, Warren wrote:
>> 2. Next use HDToolbox (or preferably the util you used to setup your
>> HD)
>> Change the filesystem from FFS to SFS.
>> (copy the SFS filesystem file to to the L: directory first)
>> Then tell your HD prep util to save the changes.

> On step 2, I was not sure about which filesystem to use. I went to
> HDToolbox and clicked on Change . . . Then I had the following choices:

> standard file system
> custom file system
> uni\01 file system

> I chose the uni\01 file system

Oops! Wrong!

I really should have added this info to step2:

Make sure you ADD the filesystem you are about to use,
BEFORE you change the filesystem of the partitions.
Actually, you only need to ADD a filesystem
if you want i.e FFS/SFS/PFS etc partitions to automount at startup.
FFS is stored in ROM, but I stored the FFS update to my HD.
I just chose ADD in HDToolbox, and then saved the changes.
This saved me from a validation of my temp that was about the 4GB
border each time i turned on/off the power on my system.

I recommend to save the filsesystems you are going to use.
In this case FFS and umm SFS right?
Just choose (w8 let me look) select the Add/Update button.
Then click Add New File System
(or Update File System if that is what you are doing)
Then you should see either Smart File System or Custom File System
in the window.
Before you do ANYTHING check that the "Identifier" is 0x53465300
(this is a HEX number for SFS0) Correct it if you have to.
Next click ok.
Then choose "Change" (make sure you select the correct partition first).
Click the File System cycle button until you see SFS/01 or SFS/00 etc.
if you do not see this then choose Custom File System,
and manually set the Identifier to 0x53465300.

Then select the "Automount this partition" checkbox.
The click ok.
If you wish to boot from this then choose the "Bootable" checkbox
in the main window.
(you also need to set the bootpriority to something higher than
any other partion or hd you are using.
But this can be done later, after you have formated and installed
OS3.5 to your SFS bootpartition.

> It seem to work. I was able to format it with sfsformat and it came
> up okay.

Great, it worked then. Tough you should have chose SFS in HDToolbox.
I suspect the sfsformat formated it correctly and found SFS in ram,
(which was loaded from the RDB/FS area at startup).

BTW! I have OS3.5 BB1 things may be slightly different with other
versions of HDToolbox (especially the old 3.1 version)
I have no idea about other HD prep tools s don't ask.


Isn't it time someone wrote a HDToolbox guide?
I can't seem to see one included... grrrr.
Do someome feel up to writing a GUIDE ????


Damn! Now HDToolbox insist that a HD I have formated with SFS
is not installed (!)

Altough I can access it with Workbench and Dopus...
Grrr. Anyone know what's going on?

(some time later)

Damn! Just found out!
DO NOT SET Start Cylinder to anything less than 2 in CyberSCSI
for some reason I managed to do that, and HDToolbox was unable to do
anything with it.
HDToolbox refuse to use anything lower than start cylinder 2.

I used to use CyberSCSI (Blizzard HD prep tool) because
the old HDToolbox didn't support 4GB HD's.
Now I'm using the new HDToolbox.
When I changed from FFS to SFS on my old HD it had a too low start cyl.
Since only SFS was stored this was no problem,
but I got invalid FFS errors from HDToolbox later.
Some pieces of FFS was still left and confused the system. (!)

And since FFS is used by most devices (FFS hd's, floppy disks etc)
I stored it on the old HD as well.
(after setting start cyl to 2 first :)

BTW! You folks did know that you CAN use SFS and PFS on floppy
disks as well just like FFS is used right now.?
You just need a SFS0: mountfile if I remember correctly...
Anyone tried SFS on floppy disks?


8:11 For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.

Roger "Rescator" H�gensen - Software/Music/Graphics/Media
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