Blitz (109/172)

From:Gareth Griffiths
Date:27 Aug 2000 at 18:25:09
Subject:MUI GUI's


Are there any utilities out there that'll let me design an MUI GUI and then
export that as Blitz source code? I can't be arsed to type a load of stuff
out :-)


_/_/_/ _/_/_/ Gareth Griffiths - **
_/ _/ *URL*: - *Mobile*: +44 7769 511296
_/ _/ _/
_/ _/ _/ Amiga 1200T � KS3.1 � OS3.5 � 18MB RAM � 68060 @ 50MHz
_/_/_/ _/_/_/ 4.3Gb HDD � 52x CD-ROM � 56K Ext. Modem � Philips HiFi

If I ever became an evil overlord, I will keep a special cache of low-tech
weapons and train my troops in their use. That way, even if the hero manages
to neutralise my power generator, or disable the standard-issue energy
weapons, my troops still have a fighting chance and won't be overrun by
handfuls of savages with spears and rocks.

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