Blitz (145/172)

From:Gareth Griffiths
Date:28 Sep 2000 at 18:17:38
Subject:Re: EventCodes and Keys

Hello Dan,

> Set up an array of ASCII codes and use the key value as an index.
> You'll have something like this:
> ASCII = keyarray[keycode]

Yeah, I thought of that as well, but I couldn't be bothered to go through
all the possible key code combinations ;-0 Thanks anyway. I have it working
OK now thanks to Dave and his #IDCMP_VANILLAKEY :-)
Hello Nick,

> repeat
> ev.l=waitevent
> keycode.s=ASC(inkey$)
> WaitTOF_
> until ev=$400

Never thought of that :-) But, as above, it's irrelevant now. BTW, what does
WaitTOF_ do? I just use Delay_() or VWait?


*Gareth Griffiths* -- --
"Bother", said Pooh, as someone else stole his taglines.

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