Blitz (152/172)

From:Donovan Reeve
Date:28 Sep 2000 at 19:09:11
Subject:Re: Blitz ML status

On 28-Sep-00, Davide Zipeto flashed:

> I noticed in the last 10 days, very low number of message on the main
>blitzlist ? Why this ? Is anyone busy with other things or all of you are
>lefing "blitz-scene" ?

I don't know about the others, but I'm busy trying to build a
house, and with legal action at the mo. I'm also losing my internet
connection (probably for 8 or 9 months) in 2 days so I may be on
rarely for a while (whenever I can check in on somebody elses system).
But I will still be here (off and on). For 8 months my coding work
will be very slow and disrupted.

Which reminds me, can somebody refresh my memory (quickly) on how
to unsubscribe from this list so I don't leave all you poor folks
reeling under reflected messages from a dissapeared E-mail?
Also, if any of the list admins are reading this, can you unsubscribe
quickly after Sept. 30th if that happens?
I will be resubscribing from a Yahoo account for the time being so that
I can read what y'all are doing from time to time when I can get

cach y'all later,

Donovan Reeve ( to change)

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