Blitz (160/172)

From:Davide Zipeto
Date:29 Sep 2000 at 18:12:20
Subject:Re: Blitz ML status

Hello eTeacher

On 28-Set-00, eTeacher wrote:

> Yes - Blitz is so easy ;-)

sure ? I've found a lot of prob for smsengineer... :-( And more have still
to come :-((((

> Everybody knows all answers!

not me ! I would like to an example of toolbar full working ! I know how
to made it, how to enable help bubbles.. but it's now only a graphical
tricks nothing more...

Did you see smsengineer on aminet ? There's a toolbar but it totally
useless until it didn't give back any result codes !


#dawez# A proud Amiga user
Projects : Sms Engineer Mui OnLineTimer mui
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