Blitz (162/172)

From:Curt Esser
Date:30 Sep 2000 at 04:21:03
Subject:Re: Luky's problems

Hi Lukas,

> Hello Blitzers !
> I have a lot of questions, because this
> is my first mail to blitzlist.
> Sorry for my poor english.

Your English looks as good as mine, and it is my native language...

I'll try to answer what I can
> 1)How can I get a colour number
> of any pixel in workbench window ?

Do you mean in your own window, or some other program's window?

> 3)I can't get information from catalogs.
> I try it, but I failed.
> Please, help me.

If you mean language catalogs,
I have some functions by James Boyd for doing this from our BeatBoxII

> 4)How can I play a module (*.MOD)
> and sounds at the same time ?

You must mask out the channel(s) that you want to play the sound on.

On my website you can get the source for my Crazy Eight's game, which shows
how to do this by temporarily masking out the sound channel only when the
sound is playing.

> 6)How can I declare GLOBAL variable ?

You can't. The workaround is to "share" the variables that your function
needs to access.

> 7)A problem with tooltypes.
> How can I get the program-name ?
> I use GetIconObject("example"),
> but if you rename the program "example",
> tooltypes don't work.

If you have the BlitzSupportSuite, there is a command to get the program's
name when it is run.

If not, there is a function to do this in James Boyd's StatsFuncts file in
> 8)How can I hide mouse pointer
> in workbench window.
> Is it possible ?
> WPointer and empty brush ?
> 9)Is there any program, which convert
> BB2 files into ASC ?

Unless you have a very old version of Blitz, there should be a menu option
to do this with any source you have loaded.

If your version does not have this, you can try selecting the entire
program, then use "Save block as" from the menu - this is always in plain
> 10)Where can I found a lot of 'Blitzlibs' ?

On David McMinn's Blitz2000 site - I've forgotten the URL at the moment, but
there is a link to it in the Blitz section of my website. Also links to
other Blitz-related websites.
> ... stop !!!
> Source codes are welcome.

You will find many example sources on my website, including two complete
game sources.

Also, look on the "Freeware" section of my site - I will be happy to send
the full source for anything of interest you find there...

Yours electronically,
Curt Esser

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