Blitz (163/172)

From:David McMinn
Date:30 Sep 2000 at 03:38:54
Subject:Re: Questions at last

The new local vet, nick knight, got into old Daisy up to their elbow.
Inside the found Questions at last.

> When I load more than one bitmap it say "only availible in
> amiga mode" ???

Thats happening because you are using the command LoadBitmap after you
have called the command BLITZ in your souce. Perhaps not actually after it
in terms of source code, but in terma of the instructions executed.

> How do I load a bimap on a graphics card (800x600)

You can still use LoadBitmap, but you'll probably need to open a screen
and window then blitz the bitmap to the window.

> I want to start making a simple a simple shoot em up, so how do I go
> about doing it ?

Decide whether you want to use hardware bangin commands or OS stuff. Make
crappy example graphics. Make a simple program that show shapes on a
screen or display (OS display or hardware display). work out a way of
getting input. work out a way of upadting positions of player and enemy
craft. update positions. repeat until player dies. ;)

> Why is the blitz maual so lame !

Because a programmer who was deeply rooted in 68k asm wrote it.

> (I hope you dont mind all the questions)

Makes a welcome change, eh Chris? ;)


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