Blitz (165/172)

From:David McMinn
Date:30 Sep 2000 at 03:30:33
Subject:Re: Luky's problems

The new local vet, Lukas Stehlik, got into old Daisy up to their elbow.
Inside the found Luky's problems.

> 3)I can't get information from catalogs.
> I try it, but I failed.
> Please, help me.

Have alook at dir2html source on Aminet. The catalog bits use the OS
routines, but I don't think there are any Blitz routines for doing any of
this stuff (that are any different from the OS routines). The other way
you could do localisation is to have separate text files for each
language, each string being a separate line in the locale file.

> 6)How can I declare GLOBAL variable ?

in the main body of the code, define a variable. in each
function/statement do a:

SHARED <variable name>

> 7)A problem with tooltypes.
> How can I get the program-name ?
> I use GetIconObject("example"),
> but if you rename the program "example",
> tooltypes don't work.

Have a look at
I think that tells you how.

> 8)How can I hide mouse pointer
> in workbench window.
> Is it possible ?
> WPointer and empty brush ?

Yes, using WPointer with an empty brush should work.

> 9)Is there any program, which convert
> BB2 files into ASC ?

Not that I know of. Just use Project menu->Save ASCII if you are able to.
The problem is that if

> 10)Where can I found a lot of 'Blitzlibs' ?

Blitz libraries? Aminet/dev/basic or
in the archives/libraries section.

> Source codes are welcome.

PS, the window pixel problem you should be able to use:

col.w = ReadPixel_(RastPort(num),x,y)

where col = colout number into the palette of the pixel, num = window
number, x,y = co-ordinates of the pixel.


[) /\ \/ ][ [) |\/| � |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ = 16827694
Don't tell me I'm still on this feckin' island!!!

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