Blitz (166/172)

From:James L Boyd
Date:30 Sep 2000 at 12:10:32
Subject:Re: Luky's problems

> > 3)I can't get information from catalogs.
> > I try it, but I failed.
> > Please, help me.
> If you mean language catalogs,
> I have some functions by James Boyd for doing this from our BeatBoxII
> program.

Hey, so do I! But I'd say don't use them -- they're WAY more trouble than
they're worth...just use ASCII text files with each translated word on a
different line, a separate file for each language (if you use the official
Amiga language names (eg. deutsch, sveska(?), etc), there's a function in
StatsFuncs.lha on Aminet/dev/basic/ that tells you the user's language

> > 8)How can I hide mouse pointer
> > in workbench window.
> > Is it possible ?
> > WPointer and empty brush ?
> Yes

That's in StatsFuncs too :)

> > 9)Is there any program, which convert
> > BB2 files into ASC ?

Blitz Basic :P

See ya,

James L Boyd (Member of DNRC),
Connected from Fife, Scotland.
Death to the Pixies!

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