Blitz (26/172)

Date:7 Sep 2000 at 21:12:46
Subject:Re: ListViews

Hi Curt,

I just read your comments about linked lists:
> The key point is that the list will NOT waste any memory on the unused
> items - it only sets aside the memory for each item when it is actually
> added to the list, whereas Dim'ing a standard array DOES set aside the
> entire memory for the number of items requested, right at the start.

That's the theory for linked lists, but I don't believe blitz2 works that
In my project I use eight different lists. To initiate each list, I
dim(ension) them.
If I insert two high values in the dim-command (which should be useless with
lists), the program refuses work because "out of memory" before there is
anything stored in any list...


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