Blitz (3/172)

From:Emanuele Cesaroni
Date:3 Sep 2000 at 13:54:17
Subject:Picasso96 problems.

Hi coders.

I have a big problem with Picasso96. I alloc some bitmaps by
graphics.library/AllocBitmap() then i do some blit operations on them as
normal copy and masked copy using graphics.library/BltBitMap() and

Well, sometimes, above all when i have a lot of applications running, i get
my programs screen corrupted.
I think this happens because Picasso96 found the graph board without phisic
mem available, and does some buffering operations in fast mem to solve
memory limits, without show a classic error message as, "not enought video

I tryed to modify the settings of Picasso96, for example disabling "planes
to fast", but the problem is still present, so now i think Picasso96 does
this actions normally, so do you know a way to force picasso96 don't to
share the phisic mem in board?
I tryed the flag BMF_USERPRIVATE in p96AllocBitMap() but i have still these
problems (and if i have understand well, by that flag, p96 allocates bitmaps
in fast mem).

Thank you, and bye.


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