Blitz (40/172)

From:David McMinn
Date:11 Sep 2000 at 14:33:36
Subject:Re: Help me please.... this is killing me!

Hi Steve

> You will find attatched a simple example program, can someone please tell me why
> it doesnt work and how I can make it work...

I don't know where you're getting your information from (and as I've never
tried this with OS3.5 icons I might be wrong) but normally the GadgetRender
field points to an Image newtype, and not a chunky thing (even though OS3.5
icons are stored internally as chunky images, they get decoded when loaded).

You'd need to do something like this:

If *myicon
WbToScreen 0:WBenchToFront_

Window 0,0,0,160,160,$1800,"",1,2:rp.l=RastPort(0)
; If you have OS3.5 and have converted the OS3.5 icon.library .fd file,
; you can use DrawIconStateA_ here.
; For non-OS3.5 programs you can use DrawImage_ (or DrawImageState_)
; and use *myicon\do_Gadget\GadgetRender as the Image pointer
While WaitEvent<>$200:Wend
FreeDiskObject *myicon
End If

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Alec Guinness. Anagram: Genuine Class

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