Blitz (61/172)

From:Tony Rolfe
Date:12 Sep 2000 at 04:42:52
Subject:Re: ListViews

On Sun, 10 Sep 2000 15:04:37 +0200 said:
> Hallo to all,
> > Actually, that's not strictly true (At least I don't think it is).
> >
> > DIM List Fred.Tyep(2000) actually allocates 2000 headers and the
> > actual data is allocated by the AddItem() call.
> >
> That's what I meant with my last mail. Is there any library for blitz, which
> provides real lists like I know from ANSI-C ?
Not a library, but I've just uploaded the DLL source to Aminet.
That'll do what you want.

Tony Rolfe
Amiga 2000, 68030/25, 1+8Mb
ICQ #51271965

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