Blitz (76/172)

From:Toby Zu�dveld
Date:14 Sep 2000 at 02:54:48
Subject:Re: Palette problem

Hello Andreas

On 13-Sep-00, you wrote:

AE> and thanks to David for the code. - But it doesn't work. When I
AE> try to compile it the compiler says:"Type not found" in Line 39
AE> (*sh.shape = Addr Shape(sh)). What am I doing wrong? Of course I'm
AE> using blitzlibs:amigalibs.res in the compiler-options!

Bing! .shape is the object definition for a Blitz Basic Shape - so
you need to have blitzlibs:bb2objtypes.res as well! Bing!

Kind regards

Toby Zu�dveld

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According to, I'm an EXPERIMENTER with an IQ
of 170, am 39% a bastard, 26% of a good lover, 74% of an ass, 80%
un-telligent, that's 47% greedy which is enough to spread a jar of
mayonnaise in my underwear and wear it for a month straight for $191,
reach my first million at 46 and end up with 3 children after having
sex only 7 times. <sob>

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