Blitz (99/172)

From:David McMinn
Date:19 Sep 2000 at 01:17:09
Subject:Re: d.c. motor simulation

The new local vet, Francis G. Loch, got into old Daisy up to their elbow.
Inside the found Re: d.c. motor simulation.

> Could you not just subtract each value that you have
> to work out the rate of change?

I'm doing that just now to calculate the speed, acceleration and third
derivative (of position). I must be doing something wrong, as it doesn't
look like what it should (I have graphs here showing the expected output
for certain inputs that I ain't gettin).

I was just wondering if anyone had anything that worked. It doesn't need
to be mathematic, just more realistic than the crap simulation I am using
now (which is the only way I've got it to work so far).

speed = input_voltage
position = position + speed * time_step_size

So it doesn't take any kind of friction or inertia into account so it
pretty much sucks :)

Thanks though.


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