C (111/304)

From:Alexander Niven-Jenkins
Date:13 Aug 2000 at 22:28:40
Subject:Re: StormC...help...

Hiya Stefan,

On 13-Aug-00, you wrote:

>> I've solved it. I did exactly the same as what I did when I was having
>> those OpenLibrary() problems a few months back.

>> I started from scratch again. I created a new project, created new
>> files and copy 'n pasted the source into them.

>> I made no changes, and guess what, it works.

>> I'm sure this must be a StormC problem. This is the second time I've
>> had this problem. Oh well, all solved now.

> Recompilng all files does help in these cases. Sometimes Storm doesn't
> recognize newer sources (in quite special conditions) or sources in one
> project which were compiled for different CPUs or with different compiler
> settings.

> Creating a new project file isn't neccessary in most cases, just choose
> "compile all files" from menu. (Sorry, don't know the exact spelling of
> this menu item, because I use the german version)

You mean 'Make all' and Allan already suggested that and I had tried this
and it made absolutely no difference. All I know is that this has happened
to me a couple time on two completely different projects. I guess it's
just one of those things, bbut it's annoying, took thebest part of a day to
get it working :-(

Kind regards...


Cremlin Software - http://www.cremlinsoftware.org
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Production, programmer - anj@cremlinsoftware.org