C (121/304)

Date:14 Aug 2000 at 11:44:41
Subject:RE: PC conio.h

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 14:41:39, "David McMinn" wrote:
> Is there a list of ANSI routines that replaces the functions
> provided by conio.h on PC compilers?

Not as far as I know. Many of them are replicable on the Amiga
through escape codes.

> Or anyone know of replacements for getch(), kbhit() and clrscr()?

I don't know of one for kbhit. getch and its ilk are replicable
through #defines to standard ansi/amiga functions (I think - I can't
actually remember what getch does ;)

All the information you need for console layout should be on Aminet
and most of it might be in

for clearing the console window try echoing this *"*E[0;0H*E[J"
(*E is escape :)
- it won't reset any console scroll bars that you might have added though
and if you move the scroll bar then you'll completely destroy the effects
you've created with gotoxy and clear :(

I have an include file for replacing conio.h. I can't send it to you at
the moment because my Amiga will be broken for the next few weeks. Sorry!

Good luck!

Rod MacLean | Roderick_MacLean@agilent.com
Developer - Agilent Technologies | Tel: +44 (0131) 331-7304
** My views do not necessarily reflect the views of Agilent! **