C (143/304)

From:Alastair M. Robinson
Date:15 Aug 2000 at 20:06:16
Subject:Re: C Repository [was TCP/IP access & autoupdate]

Hi Ilkka,

>> http://www.blackfive.redhotant.com/amiga-c/

> Very nice site indeed... Almost I added this site to the links section
> of the mailing list. But then reconsidered if you want keep this site
> secret ;-)

<blush> ;-)

I don't see any reason to keep the site secret - does anyone else? (Apart
from the fact that it's not finished...)

Due to other committments I might not be able to update the site for a
couple of weeks - but I do have some more sources waiting in the wings, and
as always, I'm keen to receive more material. Keep it coming...

All the best,

Alastair M. Robinson, email:blackfive@fakenhamweb.co.uk

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.
-- The Little Prince, chapter XXI