C (187/304)

From:Jack York
Date:19 Aug 2000 at 19:47:31
Subject:Re: Passing a ptr

Hello Allan

On 19-Aug-00, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>> Remember that this question has to do with getting
>> the function to work by passing the argument rather than by
>> returning it [...]
> hmm... then the above looks even more wrong... please send the entire
> function as an attachment, if you still want help with it...

It's attached. The program generates array1 in main and then
tries to generate array2 by calling the function. You can see the code in
the function is identical to that in main except for the variable
reference. The function fails after reaching a count of 2 and the
line below it (the one we have been talking about) causes an
enforcer hit.

Note: I didn't add any memory freeing for this example for brevity.
