C (193/304)

Date:20 Aug 2000 at 03:37:25
Subject:Re: mouse moving

----- Original Message -----
From: Adrien HEMERY <iliak_@club-internet.fr>
To: <amiga-c@EGroups.Com>
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2000 8:54 AM
Subject: ga-c] Re: mouse m

> Hello Allan
> > So you set IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE and listen to that message...
> but this flag tells intuition to send eachtime the mouse is moving. I only
> want to know when the mouse is over a region. I can get it by looking at
> mouse coords and computing if it's over a region or not....

Theres no ther way, Workbench cant tell if its over a certain object, youll
to listen to IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE get the corodinates and work out
waht region its over
