C (21/304)

From:Colin Wenzel
Date:04 Aug 2000 at 03:02:25
Subject:Re: _stdout

>I'm now using SASC-6.5 quite successfully now,
>however, if I use printf() I get a link error.
>"Undefined Symbol: '_stdout' amiga.lib"
>Could someone please tell me what library I need to
>link to resolve this symbol..

Just replying to my own mail... (:?

I found it.... "sc.lib"

The manual specifies the c.library as "lc.lib"
but there was none there by that name...

It looks just like the SAS-C docs are
just a copy of the Lattice-C ones..... ??

Can anyone enlighten me....



Colin Wenzel. Australia.

EMAIL: colstv@hotkey.net.au
URL: http://www.hotkey.net.au/~colstv/
ICQ: 17608330
AMIGA: 4000T, 68060/50, 150Mb RAM,
OS 3.5, Spectrum Gfx Card.