C (210/304)

From:David McMinn
Date:21 Aug 2000 at 15:18:59
Subject:Re: .library files

Hi Adam

> How would I create .library files to sit in the libs dir. FYI, I
> have geek gadgets 2.

copy blah libs:blah.library
there you go, a .library file in libs dir ;)

> Simple as that ;-)

Check out Aminet/dev/c/CLib37x.lha its an example shared library that compiles
with all compilers.

There's also another example library, based on that one in dev/c which might be
worth a look as it uses a slightly different approach. I can't remember the
name offhand though.

|) /\ \/ ][ |) |\/| c |\/| ][ |\| |\| | dave@satanicdreams.com
http://members.xoom.com/David_McMinn | ICQ=16827694
'Feel the Force, motherfucker' - Samuel L. Jackson, Jedi