C (257/304)

From:Jack York
Date:30 Aug 2000 at 14:17:42
Subject:Re: Freeing list with Classact

Hello Rod

On 30-Aug-00, Rod Schnell wrote:

> Well, I managed to duplicate your listbrowser problem tonight. ClassAct

Very glad to hear that. :)

> uses an internal memory for most gadgets, including listbrowser. I have to
> guess it's a global pool shared between all gadgets. However, there is a
> simple solution. Just use a seperate pool for each listbrowser with huge
> numbers of nodes. For example...

> while(i < last)
> {
> if(node = AllocListBrowserNode(2,
> LBNA_MemPool, pool, // This line does the trick

When I try this ^, I get and error message of undefined symbol. The docs
don't have this tag listed. Do I need to do something else to use it?

> Nothing needs to change in your ListBrowser creation or node freeing
> code, just create a pool and feed it's pointer to AllocListBrowserNode().
> ListBrowser will handle the rest.

So freeing the listbrowser will delete the pool too?
