C (282/304)

From:Jack York
Date:31 Aug 2000 at 14:14:52
Subject:Re: Freeing list with Classact

Hello Rod

On 31-Aug-00, Rod Schnell wrote:

>> Last I heard Chris turned it over to someone else and is no longer
>> involved but I will certainly give H&P a shout and see what they say.
>> I appreciate your help in resolving this problem.

> Not suprising... Oh btw,
> #define LBNA_MemPool (LBNA_Dummy+23)
> /* (APTR) (V42) */

Thanks Rod. Actually I tried the header from the developer cd that
defined it. It gets rid of the undefined symbol message but I get an
illegal assignment error now. Maybe I'll ask on the Dice list and see
if anyone has any suggestions since this is now just a ClassAct/Dice
problem. At least I know I can get around it all by building the
second list after the first is created. :/
