C (292/304)

From:Voytek Laniewski
Date:31 Aug 2000 at 19:49:16

I tried the FPSE (Free PlayStation Emulator) port from AmiDog on my A3000.
All I get is a bunch or errors such as ExecSCSICmd: (45) and SCSI Status: 2
when trying to play the PSX CD's. I tried looking through the sources
(available at: http://www.amidog.com/emu/fpse/download.html) but I am no
SCSI expert. Apparently it works on the A1200 where the CD ROM drive would
be connected to the IDE interface but it fails on the blizzppc.device and
also on the scsi.device in the A3000. Probably also on any SCSI CD ROM
drive. Is anybody here who could take a look at the sources and fix it? Or
at least shed some light on this mystery?

Windows does not cut the mustard.
But it does cut the cheese.
