C (295/304)

From:Allan Odgaard
Date:31 Aug 2000 at 20:49:38
Subject:Triple buffering (was: Re: CGX and Bitmaps)

On 31-Aug-00, David McMinn wrote:

>> This way the program only have to wait when both the buffers are full

Well, the program still need to switch buffer each time there's a
vertical retrace. I don't see any way around this, no matter how many
frames you pre-render, buffer or similar... of course there's the
technicality of not actually waiting, but instead receiving an
interrupt. But I don't think this is what you ment...

> [...] Probably the "correct" use of the term, given the way
> double buffering works.

The explanation I gave some time ago was what triple buffering meant 10+
years ago, I think this predates every other explanation seen here, thus
is the "correct" one, if you really want to promote one of the
explanations... ;-)

Regards Allan