C (3/304)

From:Andrew Markwell
Date:01 Aug 2000 at 22:51:27
Subject:Re: Why doesn't this code work?

>From: "Donald W Millican" <DonaldWM@stonelawdrive.freeserve.co.uk>

>I assumed (and still do assume based on my own debugging) that the
>crash happens when the program runs and attempts to load its data
>file. When the program was in its early stages, I created seperate
>create-file and read-file programs which were then incorporated into
>the main program as save and load functions respectively with no
>changes whatsoever. These original programs have always worked
>When PupilDbase is run under OS3.0 it will freeze and cause a system
>reset during or after initial loading. Curiously, all three programs
>work fine under OS3.5 with not the slightest problem.

I've just compiled it (it compiled without modifications - except the
pathname) and had a very quick play with it. I entered a new pupil,
printed it out (including the pupils that were already in the data file)
then quit. It all worked without any crashes. I compiled it under HiSoft
C++ running OS3.0 on WinUAE, if that's any help.

Andrew Markwell

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