C (35/304)

From:Mark Edward Reed
Date:05 Aug 2000 at 22:06:30
Subject:Re: iffparse.library

Hello Lee

On 05-Aug-00, you wrote:

> Now I am quite certain that we are talking about different CD`s as I have
> not come across Easter Egg(Boing Ball) Demo. The only boing ball demo was
> from one of the DevCon archives included, the original one. Oh and the
> double buffered version. And about three months ago I went through every
> example and page of the CD in order to expand knowledge, I done this
> twice.(It left me with a headache and an intimate knowledge of exec and
> its messages:P).

I know on the CD that I had and have now, there's been an easter egg buried
in a string of directories that if you look at the full path, spell out
easter egg. (Open up the window for the CD and set your Window/Show menu to
all files. look for a directory labled "ea". By the time you get to
CD0:ea/st/er/e/gg/ you should see something in there. First CD I had has the
Boing Demo. Dev CD 2.1 has something titled Robocity and a directory with
three tools and the C source for each.

> I wonder how many versions of this CD there have been? I will buy 2.1 to
> see differences until I can afford PC for SDK.


He's dead Jim - Pass the catsup!

| __ | |
| /// Mark Edward Reed (AKA Lord Alberonn I) | Vacuum Tube |
|__ /// Amiga Librarian, Amiga Sysop, & Webmaster | BBS |
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