C (41/304)

From:Stephen Illingworth
Date:06 Aug 2000 at 10:56:34
Subject:Re: Why doesn't this code work?

Hello Donald

On 05-Aug-00, you wrote:

> Steve asked : What compiler are you using?
> The answer is:
> I originally compiled the code in Borland Turbo C on the PC.
> The Amiga compiler I'm using is StormC 3.0 in 'C' mode.
> The code should work on virtually any C compiler around
> as it is just standard C code

It didn't get past the compilation stage on SAS/C or GCC. I haven't got
the original post anymore but IIRC you had function specifications similiar
to this.

void foobar( int &ike, int &wibble )

This isn't C.
