C (46/304)

From:Bart King
Date:07 Aug 2000 at 14:56:30
Subject:Re: (unknown)

At 05-Aug-00 02:02:59, "Paul Hill" <paul@lagernet.clara.co.uk> wrote:

> I thought shared libraries can't do file IO directly? If I understand
> correctly you have to spawn a process to do the IO for you. I could be
> wrong though (perhaps this was in versions <= 1.3).

I've used Open(), ReadFile(), etc. without problem in a shared library
before, without spawning tasks or whatever.

I understand it inherits various properties from the opening process,
and since a program started from DOS/Workbench is a process, it's all
right... I guess. :)

> If anyone knows the answer I'd love to know - a shared library I'm
> programming at the moment needs to read some config files.

There's a config.library, that reads/writes psuedo-Windows .INI files
for the Amiga...

Bart King of Bartman Software : Software Developer for Amiga/PC/PHP4
Work: http://www.bartmansoftware.co.uk -- bart@bartmansoftware.co.uk
Own : http://bart.shagged.org -- bart@shagged.org
. . . . . . . damned that I do, damned that I don't. . . . . . . .