C (6/304)

From:Rod Schnell
Date:02 Aug 2000 at 09:48:01
Subject:Freeing list with Classact

Hello Jack

I printed your message on the PC at work and I'm replying from the amiga
at home, so no quoting here.

First off, I have to wonder just how many ListBrowserNodes are in your list
and how big the nodes are?

Secondly, I don't use FreeListBrowserNodes() myself, in fact it's not even in
the beta version of classact.library that I have. A much better way is to
the list, walk it, free each node and then reattach the list after all the
nodes have been freed. This way there's only one refresh.

/* Function to free an Exec List of ListbrowserNodes
* The list must -NOT- be attached to a listbrowser!
* SetGadgetAttrs(listbrowser, window, NULL,
* LISTBROWSER_Labels, ~0,
* FreeLbnList(list);
* SetGadgetAttrs(listbrowser, window, NULL,
* LISTBROWSER_Labels, list,

VOID FreeLbnList(struct List *list)
struct Node *node;

if (!list)

while (node = RemTail(list))

NewList(list); // prep list for possible reuse

On my 040/25mhz this code frees a list of 10,000 two column nodes each
containing an integer column and a 55-60 char text column in roughly 3

And btw, RemTail() as above will certainly cause problems if the list is
still attached to a listbrowser... If the list is attached, you'd have to use
LBM_REMNODE instead and it would be much slower.

Regards, Rod