C (76/304)

From:Brecht Machiels
Date:11 Aug 2000 at 10:00:52
Subject:Public screen windows


I'm new to this list and kind of new to C programming (Got stuck writing my
first util - now you guys can help me finish it ;).

Here's what I would like to know (to start): How can I get a list of all windows
on the workbench (or def public screen)? I want to be able to manipulate these
windows (size, position, nothing more) - I know it's not very system-friendly,
but I want to give it a try anyway.

I also have some problems loading fonts... If you think you can help me out,
I'll send you the source, so I don't have to post it to the list.


-=< Brecht Machiels <darklite@beer.com> <> Genk, Belgium >=-
-=< [ OSAP - http://www.crosswinds.net/~osap ] <> Dopheidestraat 21 >=-
-=< [ Amiga Club Genk - http://users.skynet.be/amiga ] <> Tel: 089/350676 >=-
-=< [ ICQ: 4328206 ] + [ PGP key available on request ] + [ Team Amiga ] >=-

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