OpenAmiga (102/964)

From:Matthew Kille
Date:6 Sep 2000 at 11:29:03
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: AmiSame

Hi Kevin,

On 06-Sep-00, Kevin Blumberg wrote:

>> Is it just me, or does this REALLY slow elate/linux down?
> Wow! That's surprising! I've run this game on at least 6 platforms (all
> x86 based, including PII's and K-6's at or above 400Mhz/64MB). I've had
> it running with all the avedemos open (even with 3 or 4 freeballs
> bouncing around) and I haven't seen the problem you've described
> (however, I do see a slight slowdown with several freeballs and boing
> running too).

I've seen a similar effect on my machine when running loads of avedemos,
though not so pronounced. (Something like 15 calls to avedemos.) I was
always able to close a few things to re-gain control...

I was running Amisame on a fresh AVE with no other things running.

> What platform are you running on?

AMD Athlon 800Mhz, 256meg, nVidia TNT2, Standard Redhat 6.1. (AVE window at

It maybe a linux problem, but one that I've not seen before.

> I'm really sorry Matt (and others affected), I know how
> disappointing/frustrating it is to spend time installing code that
> doesn't work. Honestly, I didn't mean to put your system into a coma!

That's okay! It makes life more interesting! :)


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