OpenAmiga (129/964)

From:James Russell
Date:6 Sep 2000 at 15:05:32
Subject:Re: [Re: AMIOPEN: G450 released]

Yeah, unfortunately it gets butchered on 3-D, coming in dead last in just
about every test. 2-D support is awesome, Dual-Head is awesome (if you
care -- I don't because I have ONE monitor), 3-D is bad. Granted, you're
not paying for a 3-D monster, but I'm just wondering if Amiga's optimized
drivers are going to save this thing 3-D-wise for the Amiga One. Of
course, there could be a G800 lurking in the wings, as rumored awhile
back. I hope so. One of the necessary features of ANY Amiga is superior
gaming performance, and I don't think we'll see that from the G450 or the


Rob Iacullo <> wrote:
> > Not a lot new with it, but Matrox just released the G450, basically
> > its a cost-reduced version of the 400Max with a few tweeks. There is
> > a good run-down on it at
> >
> > Performance-wise its not as good as a regular G400, but its a bit
> > cheeper. Some good reading.
> There are a few cool things about it. I don't know if the G400 has
> the same features.
> It has two DB15's for monitors. The secondary one uses an adaptor for
> Video (tv/vcr, etc) output.
> It has S-Video and composite outputs. You can use both at the same
> time.
> It also has HDTV (16:9) resolutions, up to 1920 x 1200.
> --
> Rob Iacullo (Eagle)
> President-AMiga Users Society Eastside
> Team Amiga
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